February 28, 2024 – 1:00pm CST

“Labor is one of a company’s most important assets. Without sufficient, reliable and productive labor, to ensure crops are maintained and harvested timely, and contractual needs and quality service contracts for non-ag are taken care, a company’s long term financial and business growth can be negatively impacted,” the Bracero Group says. “The sufficiency and reliability of a company’s workforce can impinge a company’s success. Accessing an H2A or H2B workforce provides a company the assurances needed to make their labor woes a thing of the past.”

The Texas Pecan Growers Association (TPGA) is hosting the Bracero Group for a webinar discussing labor and H2A programs. We regularly hear concerns about labor issues and are looking to provide Texas pecan growers some possible resources. Therefore, as a service to our TPGA members, we are hosting this webinar for members only and free of charge.

Registration link:
